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Screen Shot 2016-06-08 at 11.00.35 PM

Dear friends,

The best thing happened this week. THE BEST THING. You may need a little context before you can fully understand my success although, if I’m honest with myself, I can’t hope for too much understanding, as this success also involves the more fringy facets of my personality.


Please, if you do not have the app on your phones right now, download it. Not only will the app provide context for my story, but it will also make your life ten and a half times better.

{It is available for Apple and now Android. There are no excuses.}

I discovered the app last fall through BJ Novak’s Instagram post promoting his new social media app that he co-founded with his brother Lev Novak.

bj novak

{BJ Novak plays Ryan the temp on “The Office,” has a fascinating and lovable relationship with Mindy Kaling, and inexplicably hates the theater (read about that here).}

It was love at first scroll.

The concept of the app is simple: Instead of posting a picture of your vacation or a 140-character thought, you post a list. Any kind of list. You may be wondering what is so compelling about something so mundane as a list (my brothers had a hard time understanding the concept); to that I would say, first, HOLD YOUR TONGUE, and second, you’d be surprised.

I’ve always been a list-maker. Whether it’s learned or hereditary, I’m sure I got it from my dad and my dad’s dad. They’ve both carried to-do lists in their shirt front pockets as long as I can remember. Not only this, but I’ve loved lists since David Letterman’s Top Ten List. I might just list the reasons I love lists.

When I discovered this app, it was like I discovered a community of my kind.

I’ve become *a little* obsessed with some of the regular li.sters. I’ve got a few people whose lists I look for anxiously. I’ve developed imaginary friendships. I never thought I would be that person, but then, I guess it doesn’t surprise me.

dennis flynn

Dennis Flynn

There are some really smart writers involved in the community. It seems the list form drives creativity in new ways. There’s one guy, Dennis Flynn, who I especially love. He writes little short stories in the framework of the “thoughts of” someone in a very specific situation.

Now for the good part of my story.

Among all the lists on the app are my eight little published lists. Most have been seen by only a few friends, but this week, I saw that my list “Real-World Adult Situations I Turned into Childhood Imagination Games” was featured on the main app page! Strangers were seeing my list. As silly as it was, they were reading what I’d written.

I got a surge of inexplicable power. I felt like I could control the whole internet that night. I wrote a list essentially to express my love to Dennis Flynn and tagged him in it, with the vigor of one of my late-night Facebook messages to an old boyfriend. I published it. The next morning I felt the familiar doubt, verging on the edge of regret. All day I watched to see if @dfly said anything. Finally…he commented. I cheered in triumph and felt connected to the big, wide universe.

Okay, it’s a very small triumph. But this week, it seemed big.

And really, the main point of this whole thing is to tell you that you should try the app.

I guess I could have just made a list of reasons why you should try it. Maybe I will, check the app.

Your listing friend,


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Adrienne,
    Marion’s daughter, Greta here 🙂 I have a few things to say so I think I’m going to make a list:
    1. Although I don’t know you very well – I do feel a bond with you thanks to our moms, anyways I’m glad I follow you on instagram because that’s how I found your website and I love the way you write, I think it’s safe to say I’ll be a frequent visitor.
    2. I too LOVE lists, I am constantly writing little lists of things/reminders/thoughts/to-dos – usually on sticky notes that often get thrown away becuase there’s not really a good way to preserve sticky notes.
    3. I immediately downloaded the app because it sounded PERFECT for me – at first glance I don’t know if I need another social media platform to get behind, but I love lists too much to not at least give it a try.
    4. I was surprised to find that I don’t have any friends already on so I followed you and that’s it ha! Tonight I’m going to try and convince my roommates to join as well.
    5. Would it be totally lame to just use it as a place to keep all my lists, but not really bother with the whole the connecting-to-others aspect of it?
    6. I hope your family is doing well!!

    • Age says:


      Thank you so much for your message! I loved your list, and I will respond in kind. 🙂
      1. I feel a similar bond. I have read your blog before and you are a great writer, too! I follow you on Instagram and it’s so fun to see your life updates. When I was spending a lot of time with Barrett I loved hearing updates on your family from him. I hope you keep visiting my site and pass it on to others. 🙂
      2. It’s so funny, I make several of my lists on sticky notes, too! Did this sticky note habit develop on your mission?? That’s when my love of sticky notes really bloomed. Among other things, I kept sticky notes in my planner and would list all the things that needed to go on my emails home.
      3. You should give the app a try for sure! I know what you mean about social media. The thing about the app that’s different for me than other forms of social media is that I follow more strangers on that app than any other app. I love reading the lists of strangers for some reason. I follow a lot less people on than on twitter or insta, but the lists are fascinating and informative. I’ve found great book recommendations, tv shows, and lots of other interesting things.
      4. I am glad you are following me! I don’t have a lot of lists, but it’s fun to make lists. I am going to follow you too. I can’t wait to read your lists. 🙂 Also, I’ve got some of my friends to join and it’s fun to read their lists. It’s slowly spreading, but I know what you mean. Not a lot of people know about
      5. I don’t think that would be lame at all. But I hope you don’t keep them as drafts and still publish them! I want to read them. I love the idea of having a place to keep your lists. I started a journal a couple years back of just lists, like “my favorite smells,” or “my favorite hymns,” etc. But yeah, you do you, girl! I would just say that I would love to read your lists. 🙂
      6. My family is doing great! Also, I am now stalking your blog.

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